RV10.87-AV 8.3- रक्षोहाग्नि
By Subodh Kumar
। त्रिष्टुप्, 22-25 अनुष्टुप्
‘पातीतिपायु:’=शत्रुओं से
प्रजा की रक्षा
करने वाला पायु है.
शक्ति से
भरा होने पर ही
यह शत्रुओं से
रक्षा कर सकेगा,
इसी से
इसे ‘पायु: भारद्वाज’ नाम
This Sookt
is about obtaining protection from agents that cause pain, disease and
destruction of healthy life and community. It can be interpreted at different
levels. Our enemies can be germs carrying diseases in the environments, and can
be treated by Agnihotra. Enemies of society can also
be criminals, thieves, saboteurs, black marketers, smugglers, adulterators,
from which society has to be protected by joint actions of community and law
enforcement by ruling forces.
वाजिनमा जिघर्मि
मित्रं प्रथिष्ठमुप
यामि शर्म ।
शिशानो अग्नि:
क्रतुभि: समिध्द:
स नो दिवा स रिष:
धातु नक्तम् ।।
घृतादि हवि से
बलशाली हो कर राक्षस-
विनाशी रूप धारण
करता है.
से प्रचंड हो कर दिन और रात्रि
में (हर समय) हमें
(दूषित पर्यावरण
के) कष्ट से बचावे.
Homa strengthened by offerings of Ghee etc. destroys all
negative elements unfriendly to our life. Homa fires
on being fed by wood etc. gain sharpness to proved
protection all time-day and night.
अर्चिषा यातुधानानुप
स्पृश जातवेद:
समिध्द: ।
आ जिह्वया मूरदेवान्
रभस्व क्रव्यादो
वृक्त्व्यपि धत्स्वासन्
।। 10.87.2
The offerings in the fire by its
contact reduce the disease causing germs to ashes. This is as if the Agnihotra provides steel teeth in their jaws to chew away ‘flesh eaters’ and
a tongue to digest the flesh eating enemies.
(Following scientific information is
thankfully acknowledged from Wikiepedia)
Many different microorganisms can be in
aerosol form in the atmosphere, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts and
protozoans. In order to survive in the atmosphere, it is important that these
microbes adapt to some of the harsh climatic characteristics of the exterior
world, including temperature, gasses and humidity. Many of the microbes that
are capable of surviving harsh conditions can readily form endospores, which
can withstand extreme conditions (Al-Dagal 336).
Details of well-known airborne diseases causing germs are being given in the two tables here.
Germs’ life cycle in the environment/ atmosphere is depicted in the figure below:
The microbes undergo the emission process,
in which they are emitted from surfaces such as water, soil or vegetation and
become airborne and transported into the airstream. The red boxes indicate some
of the harsh environmental conditions that the microbes must withstand while
airborne. The microbes that are able to withstand and survive these
environmental pressures are the more resistant varieties. The microbes make it
into clouds, where they can begin the breakdown of organic compounds. Finally,
the microbes are "rained" out of the clouds through wet deposition,
and they begin colonization of their new location (Amato 2012).
Following is a digression
to demonstrate how Agnihotra destroys various types
of disease causing enemies in the atmosphere.
(Vedic tradition lays down a ten day regime of Havan in the maternity wards to bring about resistance and immunity to new born child and the mother both.
प्रातः सायं दोनो समय प्रसूतिका के कक्ष में अक्षत् - साबत चावल और सरसों के पीले बीजों से गो घृत से निम्न मंत्रों से अग्नि में न्यूनतम दो आहुति देनी होती हैं ।
1.ओं शण्डामर्का उपवीरः शौडिकेय ऽउलूखलः ।
मलिम्लुचो द्रोणासश्च्यवनो नश्यतादितः स्वाहा ।। इदं शण्डादिभ्यः इदन्न मम् . pa gr sookt.1.16.23
2. ओं आलिखन्ननिमिषः किंवदन्त उपश्रुतिः।
हर्यक्षः कुम्भीशत्रुः पात्रपाणिर्नृ मणिर्हन्त्रीमुखः सर्षपारुणश्च्यवनो नश्यतादितः स्वाहा।। इदमालिखन्ननिमिषाय किंवदद्भ्यः उपश्रुतये हर्यक्षाय कुम्भीशत्रवे पात्र पाणये नृमणये हन्त्रीमुखाय सर्षपारुणाय च्यवनाय, इदन्नमम्.pa.gr.sookt. 1.16.23
Roughly translated by a non medical science person these two mantras carry the
following sense.
(शण्डामर्का -are names given to two demons. They have killer habits and are from the family of bacilli such as found in milk curds etc. being of organic origins- उपवीरः शौडिकेय with abilities to cause physical pains discomfort to the ऽउलूखलः the bacteria being very small in size as if ground and mixed together in a pestle with mortar…
मलिम्लुचो disease caused by contagion associated with lack of hygiene द्रोणासश्च्यवनो objects entering with breath through nose (manifesting as colds and coughs in the initial stages), नश्यतादितः and causing debility to the body of this new born may get destroyed. इदं शण्डादिभ्यः इदन्न मम This offering in the fire is for them and not for me.
2. आलिखन्ननिमिषः causing invisible scratches /coatings /injuries (insect bites) किंवदन्त inimical to children (those without teeth) उपश्रुति: said to be demons, हर्यक्षः depriving eyesight कुम्भीशत्रुः enemies of both the eye cavities पात्रपाणिर्नृ as if seeking alms with both hands मणिर्हन्त्रीमुखः as if with mouths wide open to kill/destroy सर्षपारुणश्च्यवनो of different colors नश्यतादितः may get destroyed and thrown away)
Agnihotra changes the temperaments
धेहि दंष्ट्रा
हिंस: शिशानोऽवरं
परं च ।
परि याहि राजञ्जंभै:
सं धेहयभि यातुधानान्
।। RV10.87.3, AV 8.3.3
The fire in Agnihotra –Homa has two rows of teeth. These are sharpened by strong intense fires of agnihotra , to march radiantly to reach far wide and high to crush the two enemies शिशानोऽवरं परं च desires and anger at non fulfilling of the desires from our temperament in life there. उतान्तरिक्षे परि याहि राजञ्जंभै: सं धेहयभि यातुधानान्- The agnihotra is also to establish on the horizon of our temperaments the habit of constantly engaging in constructive activities that prevent negative self destructive /depression in our life.
संनममानो अग्ने
वाचा शल्याँ अशनिभिर्दिहान:
ताभिर्विध्य हृदये
यातुधानान् प्रतीचो
बाहून् प्रति भङ्ध्येषाम्
।। RV10.87.4, AV 8.3.6
The arrows and javelins of fire get
directed and motivated by mantras recited loudly accompanying the Fires of Agnihotra.
त्वचं यातुधानस्य
भिन्धि हिंस्राशनिर्हरसा
हन्त्वेनम् ।
प्र पर्वाणि जातवेदो
शृणीहि क्रव्यात्क्रविष्णुर्वि
चिनोतु वृक्णम्
।। RV10.87.5,AV8.3.4
Oh fire of Agnihotra
percolate in to the skin of sufferers from skin disease. Select all the germs
that eat in to the flesh and destroy every one of them.
हे यज्ञाग्नि रोगी की त्वचा का भेदन करो , मांस खाने वाले कृमियों को लक्षित कर के प्रत्येक को नष्ट कर दो.
पश्यसि जातवेदस्तिष्ठन्तमग्र
उत वा चरन्तम्
पथिभि: पतन्तं
तमस्ता विध्य शर्वा
शिशानो ।। RV10.87.6,AV8.3.5
Agnihotra flames (and gases) travel far and wide in to the atmosphere and wherever in the environments they see a disease carrying organism they direct their arrows to destroy them.
हे यज्ञाग्नि जहां कहीं भी तुम रोगाणुओं को बैठे हुए, चलते फिरते अथवा अंतरिक्ष में उड़ते पीड़ा देने वाले रक्षसों को देखो उन्हें एक धनुर्धर के तीक्ष्ण बाणों से बींध दो.
यज्ञैरिषु: संनममानो अग्ने वाचा शल्यां अशनिभिर्दाहन: ।
विंध्य हृदये यातुधानान् प्रतीचो बाहून् प्रति भँङ्ग्ध्येषाम्॥ AV8.3.6
Mantras chanted with Agnihotra further sharpen the arrows and coat them with medicines ( of Havi) which the enemies are destroyed by Agnihotra.
यज्ञों की अग्नि के साथ साथ मंत्र ध्वनि से आचार्यों द्वारा तीक्ष्ण किये वज्र और हवि की ओषधियों से लेपन किए बाणों द्वारा राक्षस (रोगाणुओं की) भुजाओं को नष्ट भ्रष्ट कर के उन्हे पलट दो.
स्पृणुहि जातवेद
अग्ने पूर्वो नि
जहि शोशुचान आमाद:
।। RV10.87.7,AV8.3.7
हे यज्ञाग्नि
शत्रुओं द्वारा
पकड़े यज्ञ करने
वाले जनों को सुरक्षा
प्रदान कर. शब्द
करने वाले राक्षसों
( मच्छर मक्खी आदि
को) अपने चमकते
हुए आकर्षण
से मार. ( अग्नि की
ज्योति की ओर ऐसे
कीटाणु आकर्षित
हो कर नष्ट हो जाते हैं ) पुन:
कच्चा मांस खाने
वाले राक्षसों
को सफेद
सफेद चीलें अपना
आहार बनावें .(मच्छर
मक्खी इत्यादि कि रोक के लिए
विद्युत प्रकाश
Fumigation Wood treatment
इह प्र
ब्रूहि यतम: सो
अग्ने यो यातुधानो
य इदं कृणोति ।
तमा रभस्व समिधा
यविष्ठ नृचक्षसश्चक्षुषे
रन्धयैनम् ।। RV10.87.8,AV8.3.8
( निरीक्षण कर के) यह बताओ कि किस काष्ठादि में कृमी अनुचित कार्य कर रहे हैं. हे यज्ञाग्नि उन को अपनी पकड़ में ले कर उन काष्ठादि को सब जन निरीक्षकारियों द्वारा उपयुक्त बना.
Inspect and identify wooden materials which are liable to get damaged by
undesirable pests (White ants, Termite etc.). Subject the wooden material to Agnihotra fumes to reach these wood damaging organisms and
destroy them to make the wooden materials acceptable on inspection. (Wood
treatment by in
special process for fumigation is a very standard modern technique.)
चक्षुषा रक्ष यज्ञं
प्राञ्चं वसुभ्य:
प्र णय प्रचेत:
हिंस्रं रक्षांस्यभि
शोशुचानं मा त्वा
नृचक्ष: ।। RV10.87.9,AV8.3.9
Sharpened vision strategy of regularly performed Agnihotra
( with Mantras and medicinal Havi)
, directly attacks the enemies ( the infections) and strengthens the positive
healthy elements in life.
हे यज्ञाग्नि अपनी तीक्ष्ण दृष्टि से हमारे इस यज्ञ व्यवस्था से रक्षा कर. (हम नित्य यज्ञ करने के कर्तव्य से कभी विमुख न हों ) हमारी दी हुइ हवि समस्त वसुओं –हमारे निवास स्थानों तक पहुंचे. हमारे चारो ओर के पर्यावरण में हमें हानि पहुंचाने वाले शत्रु कृमि इत्यादि को भस्म कर दो. हम जीवों को ये राक्षस कभी दबा न पाएं. ( कभी कोइ महामारी रोग हमरे समाज को न पकड़े )
रक्ष: परि पश्य
विक्षु तस्य त्रीणि
प्रति शृणीहयग्रा
तस्याग्ने पृष्टीर्हरसा
शृणीहि त्रेधा
मूलं यातुधानस्य
वृश्च ।। RV10.87.10,AV8.3.10 Agnihotra ensures well being
of all. They traverse the environment to keep a watch over the three types of
harmful Germs and destroy these three types of germs by appropriate three methods.
(According to modern science the germs are broadly classified in to three types
based on their shapes and behavior. 1. Bacteria is from ‘bacillus’
Latin word for ‘little rod’ like shapes. 2. Spherical
bunch grape like shapes growing in chains are called ‘Staphylococcus’.3. Flagellate germs that have a self
propelling flagellate at one end.)
अग्निहोत्र नित्यकर्म है रोगाणु 3 प्रकार के
प्रसितिं त एत्वृतं
यो अग्ने अनृतेन
हन्ति ।
तमर्चिषा स्फूर्जयंजातवेदो
समक्षमेनं गृणतेनि
वृङ्ंधि ।। RV10.87.11,AV8.3.11
ये 3 प्रकार
के रोगाणु अग्निहोत्र
द्वारा बार बार
नष्ट किए जाते
हैं ( और पुन:
उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं.) नित्य
अग्निहोत्र करने
वाले को पर्यावरण
के रोगाणुओं से
सुरक्षा प्राप्त
होती है.
These three types of disease causing pain giving organisms
come under your grips again and again. But Homa
provides continuous protection to regular performer of Agnihotras,
by destroying these germs. (According to modern science germs are broadly
classified in to 3 categories as shown here)
1. Bacteria – meaning little rod shaped forms, from Latin word Bacillus meaning “little rod”
2. Streptococcus- round shaped in bunches like grapes, from “coccus” meaning round Kernel.
3. Flagellate germs- that have whip like flagellae-tails, at one end to propel themselves.
चक्षु: प्रति धेहि
रेभे शफारुजं येन
पश्यसि यातुधानम्
दैव्येन सत्यं
न्योष ।। RV10.87.12,AV8.3.21
Agnihotra with their divine powers destroy the obvious/ visibly perceptible enemies of honest simple life style , like even the polluted earth- in soil on which cows dig with their hoof.
अद्य मिथुना शपातो
जनयन्त रेभा: ।
मन्योर्मनसो शरव्या
जायते या तया विध्य
हृदये यातुधानान्
।। RV10.87.13,AV8.3.12
When the performers of Agnihotra
are expressing their anger in chanting mantras against enemies of the
community, their anger should impel you to destroy those harmful elements.
परा शृणीहि
तपसा यातुधानान्
पराग्ने रक्ष:
हरसा शृणीहि ।
परार्चिषा मूरदेवाञ्छृणीहि
परासुतृपो अभि
शोशुचानो ।। RV10.87.14,AV8.3.13
Agnihotra kills those
that take delight in causing disease. Agnihotra
performer is also got rid of depressive mind and is blessed with a cheerful
देवा वृजिनं शृणन्तु
प्रत्यगेनं शपथा
यन्तु तृष्टा:
वाचास्तेनं शरव
ऋच्छन्तु मर्मन्
विश्वस्यैतु प्रसितिं
यातुधान: ।। RV10.87.15, AV8.3.14
(Agnihotra) Empower the noble
well behaved persons to defeat the criminals. Criminals should perish by the
same means that they want to employ to destroy a civil society. Destroy by
hitting at the vital spots of the liars who steal public money.
यो पौरुषेयेण
क्रविषा समंक्ते
यो अश्व्येन पशुना
यातुधान: ।
यो अघ्न्याया भरति
क्षीरमग्ने तेषां
शीर्षाणि हरसापि
वृश्च ।। RV10.87.16,AV8.3.15
Those who fill their belly by starving people, those who
live by stealing horse feed, those who steal milk of cows, they should be
eliminated by strong actions.( Regular performers of Agnihotra
develop the temperaments of “Manyu” and there by
destroy the enemies of society.)
पय उस्रियायास्तस्य
नृचक्ष: ।
पीयूषमग्ने यतमस्तितृप्सात्
तं प्रत्यञ्चमर्चिषा
विध्य मर्मन् ।।
Cows provide throughout the year,
year after year, the milk ambrosia for you to satiate yourself. Do not allow
the harmful organisms to consume it. Pierce those contending demons in their
vital parts to destroy them with flames. (Pasteurization of milk with plasma is
the most modern innovation in milk technologies)
गवां यातुधाना:
पिबन्त्वा वृश्च्यन्तामदितये
दुरेवा: ।
परैनान् देवो सविता
ददातु परा भागमोषधीनां
जयन्ताम् ।। RV10.87.18 AV8.3.16
Let the demons drink poison from the
cows (This indicates the biocidal properties of cow
products milk, ghee, urine and cow dung.) Let he demons hard to overcome be cut
to pieces for the sake of growing good food and herbs that have nutritious and
medicinal qualities. (This is reference to cutting up cow dung and exposing it to sun to destroy
the eggs of horn flies and other harmful organism , before vermicompost
for use in Organic fertilizers.).
मृणसि यातुधानान्
न त्वा रक्षांसि
पृतनासु जिग्यु:
अनु दह सहमूरान्
क्रव्यादो मा ते
हेत्या मुक्षत
दैव्याया: ।। RV10.87.19 AV8.3.18
Agnihotra have always
destroyed the enemies’ disease carrying germs in the environments. Agnihotra should be performed in such a manner that it
succeeds in completely destroying these infections.
(This has reference to the scale and size of Agnihotra
performances to match the scale and size of the objectives.)
नो अग्ने अधरादुदक्तात्
त्वं पश्चादुत
रक्षा पुरस्तात्
प्रति ते ते अजरासस्तपिष्ठा
अघशंसं शोशुचतो
दहन्तु ।। RV10.87.20,AV8.3.19
Agnihotra should be
adequate to destroy all the infections on all sides from top to bottom and from
front to our back.
कवि: काव्येन परि
पाहि राजन् ।
सखे सखायमजरो जरिम्णेऽग्ने
मर्ताँ अमर्त्यस्त्वं
न: ।।RV 10.87.21,AV8.3.20
The institution of Agnihotra provides protection
from all sides. This institution of Agnihotra is an
everlasting immortal procedure that provides as a friend protection to mortals.
परि त्वाग्ने
पुरं वयं विप्रं
सहस्य धीमहि ।
धृषद्वर्णं दिवेदिवे
हन्तारं भंगुरावताम्
।। RV10.87.22,AV8.3.22
Wise men perform yajnas to obtain from Agnihotras all-round protection of their powerful blinding
irradiance. Agnihotra are providers of bounties by always destroying
our enemies..
भंगुरावत: प्रति
ष्म रक्षसो दह
अग्ने तिग्मेन
शोचिषा तपुरग्राभिर्ऋष्टिभि:
।। RV10.87.23,AV8.3.23
Powerful, intense flames of Agnihotra turn to
ashes all those indulging in demonical behavior.
मिथुना दह यातुधाना
किमीदिना ।
सं त्वा शिशामि
जागृहयदब्धं विप्र
मन्मभि: ।। RV10.87.24,
Duality of indecision –to be or not to be- is acting like an enemy of life. Create the wisdom in our temperaments (by Agnihotra and Vedic education) to have clear vision for leading a healthy life.
हरसा हर: शृणीहि
विश्वत: प्रति
यातुधानस्य रक्षसो
बलं वि रुज वीर्यम्
।। RV10.87.25, AV 13.2.22
Agnihotra and Vedic wisdom empower to destroy the demonical enemies from our life (both in our minds the ill thoughts and disease organisms in the physical environments)
विषेणं भङ्गुरावत: प्रति स्म रक्षसो जहि।
अग्ने तिग्मेनशोचिषा तपुग्राभिरर्चभि: ॥ AV8.3.23
Agnihotra overpowers and destroys by its powerful flames the enemy organisms that promote unhealthy life.
वि ज्योतिषा बृहता भात्यग्निराविर्विश्वानि कृणुते महित्वा ।
प्रादेवीर्माया: सहते दुरेवा: शिशीते शृङ्गे रक्षभ्यो विनिक्ष्वे ॥ AV 8.3.24
The largest source of illumination SUN with its vast resource is also performing the actions to destroy diseases by its rays that come in slanting and straight manner. (This has a clear reference to UVB –Ultra Violet B in the slant morning and evening sun rays as source of Vitamin D and IR-Infra Red rays for solar pasteurization)
ये ते शृङ्गे अजरे जातवेद स्तिग्महेती भ्रह्मसंशिते ।
ताभ्यां दुर्हार्दमभिदासन्त किमीदिनं प्रत्यञ्चमर्चिषा जतवेदो वि निक्ष्व ॥ AV8.3.25
The two horns –the direct heat of flames and radiated energy never get old and lose their effectiveness to destroy our enemies. In fact they become more deeply penetrating & forceful by the mantras that are chanted simultaneously.
अग्नी रक्षांसि सेधति शुक्रशोचिरमर्त्य: ।
शुचि: पावक ईड्य: ॥ AV8.3.26
White flames of the Agnihotra also make the entire environment clean and pure white.