Learning From One Another – We Need Each Other

By Kewal Ahluwalia


Teaching and learning are activities that link people together.  We have to recognize the role of teaching and that of learning from each other, from our teachers, from our colleagues, from our students, from our friends, and from our fellow human beings. There is something extraordinarily great in these interconnections. Throughout history knowledge, culture and information has been passed down within communities. Life lesson were often taught by older, wiser or formally educated people within the community. No matter where or who a person is, they are always learning something, either about themselves or about the environment around them.


We may have different backgrounds. We may have our likes, dislikes, habits, and manners and each difference makes us a people of variety and this variety gives life its wonderful challenge. All of us have something to share and to contribute. We may be different from each other, yet we are similar because each of us is somebody. We are all on the same team together if not for life or at least for part of it.  Our differences should make us to reach out to one another. They should bring us closer together in order to learn from and about each other. Many people have this tendency to view members of another so called group negatively and it has become a social disease in our society and we have to find a quick cure if there is one.


We all are connected by a system of our cultural roots. We grow up in family system that nurtured and guide us. We learn early to make friends who support each other in different ways, and we do our best to hold onto one another and encourage each other through life's storms.

Our societies are riddled with such hatred and ill feelings with each other for no relevant reason at all. Some people have exploited their social standing from the beginning of time and that has become a complex problem in any society. Some of these educated idiots individuals portray themselves as self appointed gods, Gurus thinking that they have a better idea to achieve their goal by ignoring and infringing on the rights of the others and also by seeking the help of others to enforce their views to achieve these goals by unjustifiable means by exploiting and victimizing these particulars individuals or groups.


This art of thinking is unfavorable and vulnerable to all. The ultimatum such as “either or else, and him or us”   is not good for any society. We all have those days when we find ourselves down, hurting, disappointed, disillusioned, and seek  some ones help to get through  and that is when we need each other.


We cannot succeed in life without first achieving personal growth, which demands a willingness to accept and overcome difficult challenges.  As soon as we realized that each of us is a piece of a puzzle and not the problem that without each other the puzzle will remain unsolved. We need to understand each other so we can appreciate each other, because appreciation is the foundation of genuine relationships. Let us stand together as one and celebrate one another. Let us reset our focus and an experience what is good for the society. The bottom lines are that we need each other.