Arya Vir Dal Atlanta Shines

By: Dhirendra Sharma, President, Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple


Just as in the last 3 years, the young Arya Vir Dal (ages 6 to 18) of Atlanta Vedic temple, once again on May 22nd, proved that they could be the careers of the Arya Samaj principles today, if they didn’t have the responsibility of Brahmacharya Ashram, a very important education period.  The 10 stars of them presented beautiful talks on:

·         What it means to be an Arya?

·         God - one or many?

·         Agnihotra - Source of pollution or its remedy?

·         Usefulness of Arya Samaj to overcome challenges of western world


Except of the two, all the rest presented their own originals.  They were permitted to speak on any one of the four subjects, the way they wanted to do it.  They were divided into two gropes, one age 5 to 11 and the other 11+ to 18.


Their presentation awed the whole audience, who looked at them and silently learned from them also.


They reveled thru methods of questions and answers, and other means such as beauty and orderliness of the universe – that there is only one God –called primarily as Aum, who is Formless, Omnipresent, All-pervading, Omniscient, Kind and Creator, Sustainer and Dissolver of the universe.  This Paramaatma is only one, but has infinite names, each denoting his one of the infinite attributes.  His Veda is the source of all knowledge in the universe.


They convincingly proved that Agnihotra is not a pollutant, but a great antibiotic for purification of all the pollutants that living beings continuously create them.  This Agnihotra is responsible for finally creating pure water, air and food for all the living beings.


They proved that the true Arya is one who is honorable, noble, pure and kind.  An Arya believes and worships only one Formless, Omnipresent, All-pervading and Omniscient God.


Hearty congratulations were showered by everyone in the audience.  The judges had the toughest time selecting the winners.  But they had to do their duty and the winners in the group 1 were Vedarsh Mishra as first and Aditya Arora as second and in the senior group were Rohan Bagga and Havishkrit Arya for the first position and Sudeep Giri was second.  On the Mahayajnya day (April 26) each one will be gifted with their deserving prizes plus each participant would receive an additional $125 for their hard work and great presentation.


 Links to the talks of these youth:

·         What it means to be an Arya : Rishi Bagga

·         Agnihotra : Source of pollution or remedy - Havishkrit Arya

·         What it means to be an Arya : Vedarsh Mishra

·         What is means to be an Arya - Devika Menon

·         God : One or Many - Suveer Giri

·         God : One or Many - Shrutidhaara Mishra

·         God : one or many - Aditya Arora

·         Agnihotra : Source of pollution or remedy - Sudeep Giri

·         God : One or Many - Rohan Bagga

·         God : One or Many - Priyanka Menon