Arya Pratinidhi Sabha America is a 501(c)(3) registered not-for-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service since 1991. EIN 03-0507314.

Your donations are 100% Tax Deductible. We welcome your generous financial support in any amount to help the propagation of Vedic values.

Ways to Make a Donation:

    1. Quickpay with Zelle. Send your donation to”Account Name: “Arya Pratinidhi Sabha America, Troy, MI” Please send an email to letting us know you have donated by Zelle so we can send you a receipt.
    2. By Check: Mail checks payable to “Arya Pratinidhi Sabha America” and mail to: 65 Elaine Drive, Kingston, NY 12401 . Please include your email, postal address and phone number.
    3. By Credit Card /Online Check Transfer – Using Zeffy

We welcome you support in any amount. You may also set up monthly support thru your financial institution. If you would like to donate Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds or any other forms of securities, please contact us at